3ALP is a common laboratory between SIMaP (CNRS, Grenoble INP, UGA) which is one of the leading academic research labs for physical metallurgy and thermodynamics, and the R&D centre C-TEC of Constellium, a world leader for innovative, value added aluminium products.
The creation of 3ALP crystallises a large-scale partnership between SIMaP and Constellium C-TEC which builds upon at least 40 years of already fruitful collaborations around conception of aluminium alloys, and the relationship between materials microstructure and their properties.

3ALP publications
- Influence of microstructure heterogeneity on the tensile response of an Aluminium alloy designed for laser powder bed fusion, Acta Materialia vol 269 (2024) 119786, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
actamat.2024.119786 - Ageing response and strengthening mechanisms in a new Al-Mn-Ni-Cu-Zr alloy designed for laser powder bed fusion, Acta Materialia vol 259 (2023) 119271, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
actamat.2023.119271 - Direct ageing of LPBF Al-1Fe-1Zr for high conductivity and mechanical performance, Acta Materialia vol 258 (2023) 119199, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
actamat.2023.119199 - Evidence that the liquid structure affects the nucleation of the primary metastable L12-Al3Zr in additive manufacturing, Scripta Materialia vol 226 (2023) 115212, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
scriptamat.2022.115212 - A novel laser powder bed fusion Al-Fe-Zr alloy for superior strength-conductivity trade-off. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
scriptamat.2022.114878 - Towards an alloy design strategy by tuning liquid local ordering: What solidification of an Al-alloy designed for laser powder bed fusion teaches us. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
addma.2022.103313 - Multi-scale microstuctural investigation of a new Al-Mn-Ni-Cu-Zr aluminium alloy processed by laser powder bed fusion. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.

Le colloque “La métallurgie, quel avenir !”, du 5 au 9 juin 2023 à Grenoble
Après Saint-Etienne et Nancy, c’est au tour de Grenoble d’accueillir la nouvelle édition de “La métallurgie, quel avenir !” du 5 au 9 juin dans

Inauguration of 3ALP, May 6th, 2022
The inauguration of 3ALP took place on May 6th, 2022 at SIMaP with an audience of officials from Constellium, CNRS, UGA, the local MP J.C.

Ph.D. Position – New aluminum alloys designed for additive manufacturing [UPDATE : position filled]
Collaboration CONSTELLIUM / SIMAP – Grenoble INP – Univ. Grenoble Alpes Context The development of new high strength aluminum alloys for additive manufacturing (AM) is