3ALP is a common laboratory between SIMaP (CNRS, Grenoble INP, UGA) which is one of the leading academic research labs for physical metallurgy and thermodynamics, and the R&D centre C-TEC of Constellium, a world leader for innovative, value added aluminium products.
A common laboratory is a large scale research partnership between a public research unit and a private industrial partner. It carries a significant human and financial investment which goes beyond a classic research collaboration on a particular project. 3ALP has been signed for 5 years, but it is meant to be extended after this initial period.
How it works
The research program covers 3 main topics leading to the design of aluminium alloys of the future:
- Accelerate the development of innovative products
- Accelerate the development of innovative processes
- Explore disruptive processes and products
The governance of 3ALP consists of a steering committee, a director and a deputy director. The director and deputy director are appointed by the steering committee.
Management and steering committee
Director: Frédéric De Geuser, SIMaP
Deputy director: Fanny Mas, Constellium C-TEC
Steering Commitee
In addition to official representatives of Constellium, CNRS, Grenoble INP and UGA, 3ALP steering committee is composed by experts from both SIMaP and Constellium C-TEC, covering 3ALP main topics. The current committe is composed from:
- Yannick Champion, SIMaP, current president of the steering committee
- Laurent Davoust, SIMaP
- Alexis Deschamps, SIMaP
- Sylvain Henry, Constellium
- Noël Jakse, SIMaP
- Philippe Jarry, Constellium
- Pierre Lhuissier, SIMaP
- Jean-Luc Parouty, SIMaP
- Louis-Marie Rabbe, Constellium
- Christophe Sigli, Constellium
- Hervé Stoppiglia, Constellium
- Timothy Warner, Constellium
The director and deputy director are also member of the steering committee.